ZOONOSIS is an online bedroom pop-opera about lifeforms in lockdown in 5 acts. We made it like a theatre show but it looks like a website. The music and video was recorded by the cast in and around their homes or put together from things found on the internet. The interviews you hear were conducted in May 2020 with friends and family. The song lyrics were assembled from a variety of sources which are linked at the bottom of each page ZOONOSIS works best on a desktop computer with your browser window set to full screen but can also be viewed on mobile and tablet browsers. When you arrive on a new page click play on the large video to start. When you find the dog duo or cat trio with this arrow click them too.
To move on to the next scene click the spinning cat
There are different paths through ZOONOSIS so sometimes you will have to make a choice. Click on the title at the top of each page if you need to go back to the start.